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Official opening with an exclusive exposition of the Ravnogorsko Treasure in the Regional History Museum Pazardzhik

Official opening with an exclusive exposition of the Ravnogorsko Treasure in the Regional History Museum Pazardzhik

On June 26, the unique Thracian treasure from the village of Ravnogor was exhibited in the Regional History Museum of Pazardzhik especially for the opening of the third international forum “Bratsigovo-The Stone Stream of Time”. The event this year was officially under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, and the Deputy Minister of Culture Arch. Chavdar Georgiev attended and delivered a welcoming speech admiring the undertaking and the need to create a center for architectural and structural restoration. He pointed out that the themes in the focus of the initiative are important, the experts are at the level and the results are significant for the whole society of Bulgaria. The conclusions of the discussions on the topic of introducing energy efficiency in immovable cultural heritage sites will be the basis for introducing common rules for the implementation of the measures. Deputy Minister Georgiev also noted that the demographic problem also leads to problems with the preservation of valuable buildings, architectural monuments and immovable cultural property, which are self-destructing due to lack of care. “The international participation in this year’s edition of the forum can give us answers how other countries like Italy are working on this topic and coping,” said Arch. Georgiev. He expressed his conviction that representatives of all institutions – architects, builders, municipal and state authorities – can work together to find sustainable policies to be set at the national level for the preservation of immovable cultural heritage.

Nadezhda Kazakova, Mayor of Bratsigovo Municipality, pointed out that the preservation of architectural monuments is a priority for Bratsigovo and believes that the town is one of the best examples of how to preserve old and depopulated buildings by giving them new functions and new life.
Mrs. Kazakova expressed her satisfaction that the Forum has become an emblem of the town of Bratsigovo and recalled that part of its goals is the establishment of a National School of Architectural and Building Restoration in Bratsigovo. The Regional Governor of Pazardzhik, Trendafil Velichkov, stressed that the forum is important for the whole country and expressed hope that it will expand its scope in the future.
He suggested that the idea of including the Bratzig School of Architecture in the national and international intangible cultural heritage should be a topic for discussion in the future.
In this regard, Trendaphil Velichkov has already spoken with Irena Todorova, Executive Director of the UNESCO Regional Centre-Sofia. Presentation of the program of this year’s forum and the significance of the initiative for the establishment of the International Educational Center for Architectural and Building Restoration in Bratsigovo were also presented by the Chairman of the CAB RK Sofia Region Arch. Borislav Vladimirov , the Chairman of the CAB Arch. Ilian Terziev. The partnership between the two chambers is also key for the future unification of teams of architects, engineers and craftsmen to work as one – this is the main goal of the future school – emphasized arch. “It is the example we are setting for the third consecutive year with this initiative that is the successful model for solving both the staffing problem and the revitalization of the town of Bratsigovo, justified by the historical traditions of the Bratsigovo school of architecture and construction and the available building potential.”

Of great importance this year is the joining of the Embassy of Italy, the Italian Cultural Institute and Confindustria Bulgaria.
“This is the sixth consecutive event in which Confindustria Bulgaria has partnered with CAB, and since last year also with CSB, so we are happy to officially join this year’s edition of the Forum as an organizer and to develop its concept, contributing with the Italian experience” – said Ms. Mila Nenova, Director of Confindustria Bulgaria. “This year opens the forum dedicated to the immovable cultural heritage with archaeology and the most remarkable Thracian treasure from the village of. Ravnogor, Bratsigovo Municipality, as archaeology is an integral and significant part of history that we must preserve.” Apart from RHM Pazrazjik, partners of the international forum are the National Association of Municipalities, the Cultural Heritage Society – an associated partner of EUROPA NOSTRA and the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy.
The Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emad Abdullahad also welcomed the event. The official guests of the opening were the Director of the National Institute of Architecture and Design Petar Petrov and the President of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria Petar Dikov.

Extensive information about the Ravnogor treasure and the archaeological sites in the region was given by Adriana Bozhkova. The arts must combine and complement each other, so the opening programme was combined with musical performances by the talented violinist Orlin Tsvetanov with Bulgarian and Italian works.

A cocktail with a selection of wines from “EDUARDO MIROLIO”, bites from “Dionysius Catering” and a musical program with Orlin Tsvetanov, concluded the first day of the international FORUM “BRATZIGOVO – THE STONE FLOW OF TIME”.