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12 September - 14 September 2024

International Forum on Immovable Cultural Heritage

Under the patronage of
A full three-day programme of lectures, presentations, exhibitions, practical workshops, a children's architecture workshop, music and cultural events

3 days

Awarded national and international lecturers with many years of experience in the field of immovable cultural heritage

22 Speakers

Practical Workshop "Clay, Lime Plaster and Hempcrete"; Children's Architectural Workshop, Watercolor Plein Air Workshop

2 Workshops

A wide range of topics concerning the past, the future and the present of the conservation and development of real heritage

18 Lectures

FOURTH EDITION for the period 2021-2024

About the Forum

International Forum “Bratsigovo – The Stone Stream of Time” is a large-scale event dedicated to the immovable cultural heritage, traditions, architecture, archaeology and arts.
It was launched in 2021, on the initiative of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria Regional Collegium Sofia Region and Bratsigovo Municipality.
Then a competition for an architectural and artistic element of the urban environment was held, which was won by Atanas Chakarov and realized by him within less than a year.
It was inaugurated for the celebration of the town of Bratsigovo in 2022 with the financial support of CAB RK Sofia Region and the company “Skala Marble and Rhyolite”.
The name of this work that has become a new significant element of the urban environment is “The power of the human spirit” – the one that can pass through the stone and leave light.
The town of Bratsigovo was chosen as the centre of the forum because of its connection with the famous school of the Bratsigovo master builders, and is directly linked to the concept of creating an International Educational Centre for Architectural and Building Restoration in the buildings of the now defunct building technical school in the town, developing with the full support of the Bratsigovo Municipality.

In the second edition of the forum in 2022, the organizers are joined by the Bulgarian Chamber of Builders, which contributes to the large-scale development of the event.
From the third edition in 2023.
Italy’s partnership is formalized with the signing of the Memorandum by Confindustria Bulgaria and the Forum becomes international and is realized under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Official support is also received from the Embassy of Italy in Bulgaria and the Italian Cultural Institute.

General Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Media partners