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Exhibition “Bulgaria and the Mosaics”

Exhibition “Bulgaria and the Mosaics”

The exhibition“Bulgaria and the Mosaics” will be part of the fourth edition of the Forum “Bratsigovo – The Stone Stream of Time” from 12 to 14 September 2024, which is realized under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The exhibition is realized by the Balkan Heritage Foundation for the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2023 in cooperation with Bulgarian museums, non-profit organizations and specialists in the field of art history and archaeology.
The exhibition aims to present the rich and diverse mosaic heritage in Bulgaria through selected details of ancient, medieval and contemporary mosaics and to spark the interest of the audience in it.
In addition, it also presents Bulgaria’s relationship with the conservation, research and communication of mosaic heritage in Southeast Europe.

The mosaics that the State Cultural Institute is pleased to showcase through this exhibition were created by different cultures over the last two millennia.
The most numerous are mosaics from Antiquity (2nd – 6th centuries) and the 20th century – two eras in which this art flourished and remarkable examples of it were created on the territory of modern Bulgaria.
The exhibition consists of two components: printed and digital.
The printed one includes 26 panels, almost each of them with a key-art code that leads to the current website, which is the digital part of the exhibition.
The site contains pages with information about the objects presented, their location on a Google map, the institutions/organizations thanks to which they are included in the exhibition and short popular science texts related to the history, examples, problems and practices of mosaic art conservation in Bulgaria and the contribution of Bulgarian organizations in this direction.
The digital component of the exhibition has been developed by the Balkan Heritage Foundation to complement the printed mobile exhibition created for the State Cultural Institute.

Allphotographed objects included in the exhibition are located in public places within the meaning of Bulgarian law.
Thanks to the institutions and organizations that provided photographs or access/consent to photograph the objects (in order of presentation):

  • Museum of Mosaics – Devnya
  • Regional Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv
  • Municipal Institute “Ancient Plovdiv”
  • Regional History Museum – Stara Zagora
  • National Archaeological Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church
  • Court of Appeal – Sofia
  • “Bulgarian Post EAD
  • NDK – Congress Centre Sofia EAD
  • National Museum of History
  • Project Buzludzha Foundation
  • Faculty of Physics of Sofia University “St.
    Kliment Ohridski”