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Separate priority funding for energy efficiency programmes for buildings with immovable cultural heritage status

Separate priority funding for energy efficiency programmes for buildings with immovable cultural heritage status

Expert builders and architects are calling for separate special application programmes, new criteria and greater priority funding for energy efficiency programmes to allow the authenticity of buildings with immovable heritage status to be preserved.

The two branch organizations are ready to create a working group to work on the rules for renovation and increasing the energy efficiency of these buildings so valuable for the image of the cities and our historical heritage, said arch.
Desislava Dimitrova – moderator of the round table from CAB RK Sofia region.
Detailed information will be sent to the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.

The round table was attended by the Regional Governor of Pazardzhik Trendafil Velichkov, the Mayor of Bratsigovo Nadezhda Kazakova, the Chairman of the Board of the CSB Eng. Ilian Terziev, the Chairman ofCAB RK Sofia District Arch.
Borislav Vladimirov, the Director of NINKN, the Deputy Chairman of Confindustria Bulgaria Eng. Plamen Dilkov and director Mila Nenova, chief architects of Sofia Zdravko Zdravkov and Burgas Tihomir Raichev, experts from the Ministry of Regional Development, NDORB, the director of the Italian Cultural Institute Maria Mazza, exec.
Director of the Bulgarian Builder Foundation, experts from the state and local authorities, professors and associate professors from UASG, representatives of vocational schools, architects from Italy and guests.

To the great goal of the forum in Bratsigovo – the creation of an International Educational Center for theoretical and practical training of qualified personnel for conservation and restoration activities at sites of immovable cultural heritage this year joined Confindustria Bulgaria, with which the specially signed Memorandum of Cooperation between CSB, CAB and Bratsigovo Municipality was annexed.
The idea is to base the educational centre in the town, which bears the historical memory of the great Bratsigovo school of construction that reached its heyday during the Renaissance.

The participants’ presentations and a full video recording will be published as soon as possible.