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Forum “Bratsigovo – The Stone Stream of Time” won an award in the annual awards of the campaign “The Wonders of Bulgaria”

Forum “Bratsigovo – The Stone Stream of Time” won an award in the annual awards of the campaign “The Wonders of Bulgaria”

At an official ceremony at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on 8 September, the long-standing activity of FORUM BRATZIGOVO – THE STONE FLOW OF TIME was awarded a prize in the “Brand Rhodopes” section.
The event was organized by the Cultural Heritage Society – the official representative for Bulgaria of Europe Nostra, the largest European organization for the preservation of cultural heritage.

The International Forum “Bratsigovo – The Stone Stream of Time” is held for the third consecutive year, and since this year it is under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture.
Awards for it were received by the Mayor of Bratsigovo Nadezhda Kazakova, Arch.
Desislava Dimitrova, main organizer of the forum, Mila Nenova, director of Confindustria Bulgaria, arch.
Borislav Vladimirov, Chairman of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria – Regional Collegium Sofia Region and Eng. Ilian Terziev, President of the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria.
The awards were presented by Tsvetelina Borislavova, owner of Credo Bonum Foundation, co-founder of Europa Nostra Bulgaria.
Forum “Bratsigovo – The Stone Stream of Time” is held with the great support of Italy.
Therefore, special awards were given to N.
Mrs. Giuseppina Dzara, Ambassador of Italy in Bulgaria and Maria Mazza, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Sofia.
The awards were presented by Assoc. Petar Chobanov, Deputy Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank.

In the edition of the Forum Bratsigovo 2023 , a special partner was the Regional History Museum Pazardzhik with the exposition of the Thracian treasure from Ravnogor, Bratsigovo Municipality, which was also awarded the Brand Thrace Award for the modernization of the museum and for the exposition of the incredible Ravnogor treasure. Dimitar Dimitrov, Rector of the UNWE.  

Special guests at the forum, which was held under the patronage of Maria Gabriel, were Pete Jasper, Vice President of Europa Nostra and Ioana Mikru, member of the Board of Directors of Eliniki Eteria (Europa Nostra Greece).

More than 150 representatives of the executive, legislative and local authorities, academia, business, NGOs and media gathered in the Great Hall of the Academy for the third international forum “Brand Bulgaria – Touch the Wonders”.
The discussion and the annual awards “The Wonders of Bulgaria” were attended by the Minister of Culture Krustyu Krastev, the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Prof. Andrey Chorbanov, the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Acad. Julian Revalski, the owner of the Credo Bonum Foundation Tsvetelina Borislavova, the Deputy Governor of the BNB Assoc. Petar Chobanov, MEPs Iskra Mihailova (Vice-Chair of the “Renew Europe” Group) and Tsvetelina Penkova (PES), the advisor to the Minister of Tourism prof. Mariela Modeva, the leader of “Resurgence” Dr. Kostadin Kostadinov, the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Children, Youth, Family and Sports Nebbie Kabak, the deputy chairman of the Tourism Committee in the National Assembly Lyuben Dilov Jr, the deputies from the MRF Hayri Sadakov, Bayram Bayram and Fatme Ramadan, the rector of the UNWE prof. Dimitar Dimitrov.
The President of the Court of Auditors Dimitar Glavchev sent a congratulatory address.
The discussion brought together a host of diplomats – the Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Morocco H.
Zakia il Midaoui, of Romania – H.
Jelko Jovic, the First Secretary and Consul of the Austrian Embassy in Bulgaria Gerald Hauser, the Director of the Italian Cultural Institute Maria Mazza.
The forum was attended by the mayors of Bratsigovo Nadezhda Kazakova, of Belitsa – Radoslav Revanski, of Jebel – Nejmi Ali, of Krushari Ilhan Mustajeb, the deputy mayor of Gabrovo Nevena Mineva.

Brand Bulgaria should be a national priority like the euro and Schengen, said the chairwoman of Europa Nostra Bulgaria Slavka Bozukova, opening the forum, during which the annual awards “The Wonders of Bulgaria” for 2023 were given. On the basis of the unique Bulgarian code, the concept of Brand Bulgaria, a new calling card for Bulgaria in front of the world, should be developed and launched.
And as a mission to revive Bulgarian spirituality.
And as a tool to build the country’s image and reputation.
And as a cause to allow our cultural treasure to take its rightful place in the European one and at the same time to turn our country into a leading European destination for tourism and innovation, Ms Bozukova was adamant.
“Thank you for your energy, because you have made Brand Bulgaria a cause,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Maria Gabriel.

The cultural institutes of Bulgaria abroad will have a special place in Brand Bulgaria. A unified cultural calendar of Bulgaria is also to be prepared, which will be observed both at home and by the missions abroad, Gabriel said.
Let’s try to tell ourselves through Brand Bulgaria with a fascinating story connecting the past, the present and the future.
With new products and new attractions.
I believe that together we will succeed.
This is a cause, accept it, urged the Minister of Culture Krustev.
Europa Nostra is an NGO that has existed for 60 years and has 300 affiliated organisations in Europe.
Cultural Heritage Society is now one of them
Неправителствената организация, оглавявана от Славка Бозукова, играе огромна роля в опазването на старините в България, подчерта Пийт Яспър.
Congratulations for what you are doing and for the wonderful idea of Brand Bulgaria, for the increasingly clearly defined goal of cultural diplomacy, said the MEP from Renew Europe Iskra Mihaylova.
The work of the Ministry of Tourism on Brand Bulgaria was presented by the advisor of Zaritza Dinkova – prof. Mariela Modeva, who has been a partner of the initiative since the time when she was Deputy Minister.
She said that only the united forces of all will lead to the realization of the cause.

Source of information: standartnews.com Photos: Ivo Oreshkov