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Children’s Architecture Workshop “Classroom of the Future”

Children’s Architecture Workshop “Classroom of the Future”

With wonderful materials for work provided by CAB RK SO, KSB and our main donor for the children’s architectural workshop – Maria Belemezova-Koleva and HYPOLAND, the children embarked on the realization of a model of the “Classroom of the Future”.

We cannot think about the future if we do not look through the eyes of children.
This year we let the children come up with their dream classroom and the results are amazing – more than half of them want to see the sky and be surrounded by greenery and colourful colours.
Us professionals have our work cut out for us in making children’s wishes come true.


First place this year won Konstantin Ushakov

Second place was awarded to Vesela Zdravkova

Third place in the competition won Sofia Kitova

Shining, happy and talented children, dreaming and creating, they all received awards for their courage to make their wishes come true.