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The theme of the fourth edition of BRATZIGOVO FORUM 2024 – “ARCHAEOLOGY AND ARCHITECTURE”

The theme of the fourth edition of BRATZIGOVO FORUM 2024 – “ARCHAEOLOGY AND ARCHITECTURE”

Within three days from 12 to 14 September 2024 Bratsigovo will again be the center of the exchange of experience of experts from Bulgaria and Italy. The first day is fully institutional with discussions and presentations at an official round table and will end with a concert in the Central Square by the visiting choir from Sardinia TISCALI. The Forum will also feature a guest exhibition – “Bulgaria and the Mosaics” realized by the Balkan Heritage Foundation for the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2023 in cooperation with Bulgarian museums, non-profit organizations and specialists in the field of art history and archaeology. The exhibition aims to present the rich and diverse mosaic heritage in Bulgaria through selected details of ancient, medieval and modern mosaics and to spark the interest of the audience in it.The second day is dedicated to professional lectures giving an example of the collaborative work between archaeologists, architects, engineers and restorers. This day will end with a big concert of Ansambul Bulgari with their production “THIS IS BULGARIA” in the theatre hall of the National School “Vasil Petleshkov-1874”. The third day of the forum has an extremely varied program – lectures and a practical workshop dedicated to mosaics, a children’s architectural workshop-competition “Stone paintings” and an official closing with the Folklore Music and Culinary Festival “Taste of Traditions” in the courtyard of the Museum of the Bratsigov School of Architecture and Construction.

BRATZIGOVO FORUM is officially included in the National Calendar of Events for EUROPEAN HERITAGE DAYS – 2024 and is realized under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The full preliminary programme of the event can be found at the following link: https://forum-bratsigovo.bg/events
With more than 200 events across the country throughout the month of September, Bulgaria will once again take part in the European Heritage Days (EHD) initiative under the theme “Europe, a common heritage”.
Each edition of the SPD has a common theme for all European countries.
This year it is: “A legacy of routes, networks and connections”.
The common message is that societies are built on the basis of networks that have enabled the exchange of trade, religious beliefs, scientific knowledge, technological innovation and shared cultural and artistic practices.
This theme is an opportunity to re-travel these paths, routes and trails of history to discover what we can learn from them today.
The calendar of the festive programme in our country has been prepared by the Ministry of Culture, as the national coordinator for the implementation of the EDN in our country, in cooperation with the municipal administrations, which for years have actively contributed to the promotion of the rich cultural heritage of the regions and the country.


The project is realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria.