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Watercolor plein air workshop in the museum of the Bratsigov School of Architecture and Construction with architect Belin Mollov

Watercolor plein air workshop in the museum of the Bratsigov School of Architecture and Construction with architect Belin Mollov

On July 1, in the picturesque courtyard of the museum of the Bratsigovo architectural and construction school Popovi Houses, an inspiring watercolor plein-air workshop was held, led by architect Belin Mollov, as part of the official program of the third consecutive FORUM BRATZIGOVO – THE STONE FLOW OF TIME, under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture.

The event was opened by the Mayor of Bratsigovo Mrs. Nadezhda Kazakova.

The example that guided the participants was the painting of the museum created by arch. Mollov, which was part of his exhibition dedicated entirely to paintings from Bratsigovo last year.

Architects, engineers, urban planners and residents of Bratsigovo created their paintings together.