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OFFICIAL ROUND TABLE on “Energy efficiency of immovable cultural heritage sites”

OFFICIAL ROUND TABLE on “Energy efficiency of immovable cultural heritage sites”

Driven by their deep understanding of the need to take concrete measures and active actions, in 2022 CAB – RK Sofia Region, the Bulgarian Chamber of Builders and Bratsigovo Municipality signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
The main objectives recognized by the partners are related to the establishment of an International Educational Centre for theoretical and practical training of qualified personnel to carry out conservation and restoration works on immovable cultural heritage (ICH) sites, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and improvement of the related regulatory framework.
In fulfillment of their commitments, for the third consecutive year, the partners organize a forum to draw the attention of all stakeholders to the conservation of Bulgaria’s immovable cultural heritage.
The theme of this edition of the International Forum is “History and Future – Architecture for Education and Culture”.
With each passing year, the support and co-organizers are increasing, and in this edition we are joined by the Italian Cultural Institute in Sofia, Confindustria Bulgaria, the National Museum of History of Bulgaria, the Regional Historical Museum of Sofia, the National Museum of History of Bulgaria and the National Museum of History of Bulgaria. Pazardzhik, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgarian Builder Foundation, Europa Nostra.
A key event within the forum will be the organized on 30.06.2023 at 14:30 in the community center “Vasil Petleshkov” in the town of Pazardzhik. “Energy efficiency of immovable cultural heritage sites”. Representatives of leading institutions at national and local level, branch organizations, educational institutions, etc. will participate in the event. Moderator.