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Professional CV

“Lucio is an architectural studio founded by arch.
Violetka Slavova and arch.
We are the only architecture studio in Bulgaria that is focused entirely on the design of educational environments.

At the studio, we deeply believe that people should not conform to their environment, but the other way around – it is created to meet their needs and feed their creativity and inner sense of aesthetics.

The added value in our projects comes from design techniques and tools that keep us focused on people and their experiences.
We use them to uncover hidden needs that we later translate into meaningful architectural design.

Our most famous implementations are the educational centers in the 90.
Gen. Jose de San Martin” in Sofia, I Primary School “Nikola Vaptsarov” in Berkovitsa, 10th Secondary School “Teodor Trayanov” in Sofia.

We are currently working on our biggest project – the interior of the Educational Complex with school, kindergarten and cultural center of OEB “Shalom”.


Lusio is an architectural design studio, founded in Sofia in 2017 by arch.
Violetka Slavova and arch.
Maria Staynova.
We are the only architectural studio in Bulgaria that has an explicit focus on educational buildings design.

Our team believes that people should not conform to spaces but rather spaces have to respond to people’s needs and stimulate their creativity, enjoyment and inner sense of aesthetics.

Our particular added value comes from using human-centric design process and tools in order to discover unmet needs, which we later transform into meaningful architectural designs.

Our most famous finished projects are educational centers in 90th School “Gen. José de San Martín” in Sofia, 1st Primary School “Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov” in Berkovitza, 10th School “Theodor Trayanov” in Sofia.

We are currently working on our biggest design – the interior for the new Educational complex with school, kindergarten and Cultural center for the OJB Shalom.