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The Thracian treasure from Ravnogor village

The Thracian treasure from Ravnogor village

Експониране на Равногорското съкровище и обзорно представяне на Адриана Божкова на тема „Археологически проучвания в Брациговския край и околността“; музикална програма на цигуларя Орлин Цветанов

Regional History Museum Pazardzhik will exhibit the famous Thracian treasure from the village of. Ravnogor, Bratsigovo Municipality, especially for the opening day of FORUM BRATZIGOVO “THE STONE FLOW OF TIME” June 26, 2023. In August 1987 archaeological excavations began in the area of Ravnogor village under the direction of Sr. Georgi Kitov. 20 tombs, built in the period IV-IV BC, were uncovered.

In one of the mounds was found the Ravnogor treasure, representing nine objects, part of a decoration for horse ammunition – a bridle, a pommel and seven round appliqués.
The six of them, grouped in pairs, used for the pommels on either side of the horse’s head) depict busts of the goddesses Athena, Artemis and Nike.
The goddess Athena is depicted with a helmet, shield and spear. The seventh appliqué (placed on the horse’s chest) depicts a winged Thracian deity with a crown on his head. The deity depicted is probably a syncretic image – combining attributes of Apollo, Nike, Dionysus and indicative of Thracian tradition. The treasure dates back to the 2nd-1st centuries BC and has great artistic value. It has participated in exhibitions in Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, USA and Japan.



at the opening of


26 June 2023


14:30 – Press conference of the organizers in the conference hall of RHM Pazardzhik
15:30 – Exposition of the Ravnogorsko treasure and overview presentation by Adriana Bozhkova on “Archaeological research in the Bratzig region and the surrounding area”; musical program by violinist Orlin Tsvetanov
16:30 – Cocktail and musical program