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Settlement mound Yunatsite: how we preserve a “living” prehistoric site – Assoc. PhD- Arch. Prof. Dr. Donika Georgieva and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamen Boyadzhiev

Settlement mound Yunatsite: how we preserve a “living” prehistoric site – Assoc. PhD- Arch. Prof. Dr. Donika Georgieva and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamen Boyadzhiev

Why the Yunatsite settlement mound is important in highlights of the conservation project workflow and links to archaeological investigations.
You will hear several stories of archaeologists – architects (engineers) working together to find workable solutions for the future of one of the most comprehensively and most detailed mounds studied in Bulgaria.

  In partnership with the Regional History Museum of Pazardzhik Assoc.
Prof. Dr. Kamen Boyadzhiev NAIM-BAS Lecture and discussion More information about the project: https://museum-pz.com/wp/selishtna-mogila-iunacite/ https://atelie-3.com/bg/portfolio/selishhna-mogila-yunatsite/