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Children’s architectural workshop “STONE CARTOONS” – COMPETITION

Children’s architectural workshop “STONE CARTOONS” – COMPETITION

Within two hours from 2 pm to 4 pm on September 14, children aged 6 to 18 years will be able to take part in the architectural workshop – competition “Stone paintings”, which will be held at the National Church “Vasil Petleshkov – 1874” in Bratsigovo.
Under the guidance of teachers and students from the National Art School “Tsanko Lavrenov” – Plovdiv, children will create paintings in A3 format frames with the technique of creating mosaics.
All materials for work will be provided by the organizers.
Jurying and awarding of participants will take place from 16:00- 16:30  

Participation fee with advance registration by email registration@forum-bratsigovo.bg until September 10 – 25 BGN.

Participation fee on the day of the event 30 BGN.

The competition entries are provided by HYPOLAND and are thematically related to the brief.