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Arch. Marin Naydenov

Professional CV

Marin Naydenov is a Bulgarian architect with a master’s degree, acquired at the VIAS in Sofia in 1983.
He has language skills in Russian, English and German.
His main computer skills include MS Office, Auto Cad, Corel CAD, Photoshop and Sketch Up.

Currently, Marin works in the company “E DOM” Ltd. in Sofia.
Over the years, he has specialized and worked in the field of cultural heritage preservation in the architectural office “Konrad Fischer” in Upper Franconia, Germany.

Among the more important projects he worked on before 1990 are a pedestrian zone in Gabrovo, the Passage shopping centre in Burgas, the Ivan Vazov Museum in Sofia, metro station No. 7 in Sofia, a teacher’s home in Sofia, as well as various residential buildings and interiors in different cities in Bulgaria.

Since 1990 Marin has worked on various projects, including the reconstruction and furnishing of a branch of ZD Bulgaria in Plovdiv, an information centre for the EC delegation in Bulgaria, the reconstruction of a business complex in Sofia, the reconstruction of a tobacco factory in Jebel, the reconstruction of the city markets in Burgas and Svishtov, as well as other residential buildings and public interiors.

Marin Naydenov has also had professional experience in various architectural firms, having dealt with design, restoration, quantitative accounts and analyses.