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On this page you can watch useful videos of presentations and trainings held during the different editions of the Forum.
Our library will be growing every year, so be sure to visit us regularly for new and relevant videos.

Forum 2023 "Restoration of Architecture for Education and Culture"

Official opening of FORUM BRATZIGOVO 2023 in RIM Pazardzhik

The Ravnogorsko Treasure and Archaeological Research in the Bratsigovo Region

Opening of the three exhibitions of FORUM 2023

Official visit of the Italian Ambassador Her Excellency Giuseppina Dzara to the Bratsigovo Forum 2023

Project for renovation of the National Academy of Arts in Sofia arch. Stefan Dobrev

Structural assessment and intervention for operational reliability of historic buildings

Preserving the cultural heritage of the city of Ruse and rethinking them for a new life Veselin Dimitrov

Restoration in Italy - Dr. Arch. Andrea Griletto, Director of the Association of Restoration Architects in Italy

Forum 2022

acad. Tsviatko Siromashki - Synthesis between architecture and sculpture" - Bratsigovo History Museum

Challenges in Restoration of Renaissance Houses - Arch. Rumen Dzhagarov

Workshop "STONE"

Conservation - a new hope or a lost cause - lecture by Eng. Connor Meehan

The Cultural Heritage Act - Savin Kovachev

Exhibition based on the book "DRAGES ON THE SOFIA WORKS" in the History Museum of Bratsigovo

The Importance of Lime in Conservation and Restoration Works - Alexandra Vadinska

Folklore culinary festival

Dream models - children's architecture workshop

Reenactment of the April Uprising in Bratsigovo

Official opening of the stone sculpture "The Power of the Human Spirit" with author Atanas Chakarov

Full recording of the official opening of the stone sculpture "The Power of the Human Spirit"

Forum 2021

Forum "Bratsigovo - The Stone Stream of Time" 9-11 September 2021

Awarding of the winning projects in the competition for "Architectural and artistic element of the urban environment"

Presentation of the book "The Bracigov Master Builders"

Children's architectural workshop - competition "Stone Carpet"



3D laser scanning of buildings - interior and exterior. Processing of digital data and drawings

Innovative Materials and Methods in Restoration of Monuments of Culture - Dr. Eng. Geshanov

"The use of natural materials in the restoration of buildings monuments of culture"-arch.G.Georgiev

Intangible Cultural Heritage - arch.Irina Argirova and arch.Mirella Kafkova

Handbook for owners of listed buildings

Story by Prof. Todor Krastev about Prof. Peyo Berbenliev created for FORUM BRATZIGOVO

Energy efficiency in buildings with immovable cultural heritage status

Increasing the energy effect. of old buildings by thermal insulation plaster with Aerogel by Rofix

CasaClima - energy efficiency in heritage buildings - examples from Italy


Space with a future in buildings with a past VELUX - arch.Nadejda Sokolova