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Arch. Wolfgang von Klebelsberg

Professional CV

Freelance architect specialising in architectural and landscape heritage.
President of the section Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane (ADSI) Trentino Alto Adige / Südtirol.
Since 2006 coordinator responsible for the award “Historic Hotel of the Year in South Tyrol”.
For decades active in associations dealing with castles and fortified architecture.

Architect specialising in heritage conservation, buildings, gardens and historic landscapes.
His practical and theoretical interests include the conservation and preservation of historic architectural monuments and landscapes in private and public ownership; in particular, the maintenance and conservation of historic houses and their contents, castles, ruins, fortified sites and associated cultural assets, and historic vernacular architecture and vernacular architecture in the mountains and on the Alpine arc.

He is adjunct professor of Bauforschung / (stratigraphic) analysis of building phases at the Specialized School of Architectural Heritage and Landscape (SSBAP) of the Polytechnic University of Milan.

Author of specific publications and articles on architectural and landscape conservation.