
Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit.


Sponsorship packages

General sponsor

5 000lv. excluding VAT

  • Stand 3 days;
  • Up to 6 rollbans in lecture halls and foyers at the event
  • Presentation including video filming by the organizers up to 40 minutes;
  • Logo on all event promotional announcements, including videos
  • 5 passes for participants;
  • 25 % discount on the purchase of additional passes – invitations
  • Advertising banner on www.forum-bratsigovo.bg for 1 year

Golden Sponsor

2 800lv. excluding VAT

  • Stand in Bratsigovo 2 days;
  • Up to 3 rollbans in lecture halls and foyers at the event
  • Presentation with video filming by the organizers up to 20 minutes;
  • Logo on all event promotional announcements, including videos
  • 2 passes for participants;
  • 10 % discount on the purchase of additional passes – invitations
  • Advertising banner on www.forum-bratsigovo.bg for 1 year

Silver Sponsor

1 800lv. without VAT

  • Stand in Bratsigovo 1 day;
  • Up to 2 rollbans in lecture halls and foyers at the event
  • Presentation with video recording by the organizers up to 10 minutes;
  • Logo on all promotional announcements for the event, including videos
  • 2 passes for participants;
  • Advertising banner on www.forum-bratsigovo.bg for 1 year

Bronze sponsor

1200lv. without VAT

  • 1 Rollbanner in lecture halls and foyers of the event
  • Logo on all event promotional announcements, including videos
  • 2 passes for participants;

Advertising packages for the website www.forum-bratsigovo.bg

  • Banner on the front page of the forum for one year – 1 200lv.
    without VAT
  • Banner for half a year on the front page of the forum for one year – 800lv.
  • Banner for one month – 300lv.
    without VAT
  • Advertising publication on the site – 500lv.
    without VAT