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Dr. Arch. Milen Trifonov Marinov

Professional CV

Milen Trifonov Marinov was born in 1964 and lives and works in Veliko Tarnovo.

Graduated from the art school in Tryavna, specialty in wood carving and architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts – Sofia in 1992.

He has worked as a planner in NIPC, chief architect of a municipality and in the regional administration of Veliko Tarnovo.
Specialized in Italy in cultural heritage conservation.
He participated as an investor control of the Ministry of Culture in the renovation of the Church of St. 40 Martyrs and Trapezitsa Hill in Veliko Tarnovo.

He has worked for over 10 years in the Ministry of Culture – DG EOCN.

He is the author of a number of reports and scholarly articles on Renaissance architecture, wood carving and church arts.

In 2022 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Orthodox Theological Faculty, Department of Ecclesiastical Arts of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius.

He has also designed the restoration of a number of churches and monasteries and is currently working on the study and preservation of cultural heritage.